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The progressive editorial cartoon about Roe vs. Wade.

start rant

And Yet she Persisted

Am I the only one that's surprised that Conservative state legislatures didn't include an exemption in their abortion restriction laws for when a White girl is impregnated by a Black man?


Now would be a great time for those working for minimum wage to effect a work stoppage in order to get a pay raise.

After all, at 3.5% unemployment who is going to replace you?


America. Where the largest retailer sells guns and its rival is named "Target".


The U.S. just added 528,000 jobs.

Amazing what can be achieved if a President isn't playing golf at every opportunity.


Did Alex Jones' lawyer, F. Andino Reynal, see what was in those texts on his client's phone and think "Someone needs to see this."

Will we someday look back on this man the same way we regard Frank willis, the security guard who discovered the Watergate break-in?


end rant

News & Notes for August 6, 2022

Indiana State Representative proposes bill to outlaw erectile dysfunction drugs. (Seems fair)

FBI admits its investigation into Judge Kavanaugh's background was a sham. (Fuck'em all, Says I!)

Republican who voted to impeach t-Rump wins his primary. (Good on ya, mate!)

Fox News host says that women who haven't been pregnant not "ripe enough" to run for president. (Fuck that guy!)

Ted Cruz thinks he has a shot at the presidency. BWAHHHHHH-hahahahahahahah! (Fuck that guy!)

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project :

the infinite cat project

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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Woman using ball and chain to roll to the voting booths. Roe vs. Wade decision.

The progressive editorial cartoon about abortion and Kansas.

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